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    We are pleased to announce that Mr. Luqman Safdar Butt (E/C 20241) Assistant Technician are awarded WOW (What Outstanding Work) in the month of May 2019 in Service and Maintenance Department by Mr. Fabian Antao-Service & Maintenance Manager.

    The above employee is awarded WOW in recognition of their outstanding performance whilst executing field jobs. They carried out seamlessly retrofit jobs without disrupting the normal operations at Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA) training center, Abu Dhabi, which operates 24/7. This included installation, modification of existing control panel, commissioning and integration of NBE pumps with BMS panel.

    We appreciate the effort that they make to maintain a positive attitude even when facing challenging work situations.

    Mr. Luqman Safdar is always walking the extra yard and ensure their assigned tasks are completed within the stipulated time period.


    In the above case, we have seen the following behavior’s in action.

    • Dedication
    • Persistence
    • Exemplary team work.
    • Innovative/Creative problem solving
    • Cost saving initiatives
    • Outstanding results
    • Going beyond the call of duty


    Good job done by team! Keep it up!


    HR Team

    M.A.H.Y. Khoory Group of Companies